Thin Men Of Haddam C.W SMITH First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket with one tiny closed tear to head of spine. Winner of … $125.00
This Man Is Dangerous PETER CHEYNEY First U. S. edition. Author's first book. Fine, bright copy in dust jacket lightly soiled on the rear cover, small, … $1,250.00
Thoroughfare Of Stones. RICHARD HALEY First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. PI John Goss is summoned by a wealthy and neurotic woman … $35.00
Through Time And The Valley. JOHN R ERICKSON First edition. 8vo. Author's first book. Signed on the half title page by the author and Bill Ellzey who did … $75.00
To Speak For The Dead. PAUL LEVINE First edition. Author's first book. Fine, unread copy in dust jacket. Dr. Roger Salisbury is being charged with medical malpractice … $15.00
Track Of The Cat. NEVADA BARR First edition. Author's first mystery. Fine in dust jacket. In the Guadaloupe Mountains National Park, law enforcement ranger Anna Pigeon … $100.00
Trick Of The Eye. JANE STANTON HITCHCOCK First edition. Author's first book. Edgar award nominee. Fine in dust jacket. A novel of psychological suspense set in a … $65.00
Trouble Making Toys. A.M. PYLE First edition. Author's first book. Review copy. Fine in dust jacket. Cincinnati police detective Cesar Franck has no suspects when … $35.00
Tularosa. MICHAEL MCGARRITY First edition. Author's first book. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. Introduces Kevin Kerney, retired from the Santa … $30.00
Tuscaloosa W. GLASGOW PHILLIPS First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. 1972 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. A coming-of-age account of Billy Mitchell, the … $35.00
Under Cover Of Daylight. JAMES W. HALL First edition. Signed. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. As a young boy, Thorn's parents were killed by a … $125.00
Under The Eagle. SIMON SCARROW First edition. Author's first book. Signed by the author and dated in the year of publication. Fine in dust jacket. … $750.00
Undertow ELIZABETH HEATHCOTE First edition. Signed by the author. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. *My husband's lover. They said her death … $45.00
Uninvited. JAMES GABRIEL BERMAN First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Author's first book. An entire family is found murdered in their luxury home. … $45.00
Unorthodox Methods. DEBORAH VALENTINE First edition. First hardcover edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. The area of Tahoe has recently experienced a … $35.00
Violent Saturday. W. L. HEATH First edition. Author's first book. Light offsetting to the front and rear endpapers else a near fine copy in a … $150.00
Watchful At Night JULIUS FAST First edition and with the required publisher's monogram on the copyright page. *The author’s first book and the first book … $275.00
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? HENRY FARRELL First edition. Author's first book. Page edges uniformly tanned, else fine in a bright dust jacket. Remember the Hudson girls? … $750.00
Where All The Girls Are Sweeter By Richard Butler. RICHARD BUTLER First edition. Author's first of two books using this pseudonym and his fifth novel. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. 20th … $275.00
Where The Money Is. IVAN G. GOLDMAN First edition. Signed. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. While plying his trade as a shill at Bob's Beer … $35.00
White Male Heart. RUARIDH NICOLL First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. Two long-time best friends, Hugh and Aaron, spend all their time … $30.00
Who In Hell Is Wanda Fuca? G.M. FORD First edition. Signed. Author's first book. Fine in fine dust jacket. Seattle Private Detective Leo Waterman is hired by an … $75.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Author's first novel. Signed by the author. Laid-in is an inked letter signed from the author in which … $350.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First U. S. edition. Author's first novel. Fine in lightly rubbed, black dust jacket Introduces Insp. Cribb to solve the … $125.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Author's first novel. Signed by the author. Page edges uniformly tanned, else fine in price-clipped dust jacket with … $350.00
Write If You Get Work. The Best Of Bob & Ray. ELLIOTT, BOB & RAY GOULDING First edition. Authors' first book. Foreword by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Fine, bright copy in dust jacket. Great humor by the … $45.00
You Don't Know Me IMRAN MAHMOOD First edition. Author's first book. One of 750 copies signed by the author and numbered. This is copy 37. As … $35.00
Your Day In The Barrel. ALAN FURST First edition. Author's first book. Edgar Award nominee for best first mystery novel in 1977. Fine in dust jacket with … $200.00