Publication: Privately printed, nd ca 1881, NP
5.5" x 9" folded to 6 panels each 5.5" x 3.” Black and white illustrations of horses pulling the Vandiver Corn Planter and of horses pulling the Quincy Corn Planter. The Vandiver Corn Planter Co. manufactured the Vandiver, Quincy and Barlow Rotary Corn Planters. The planters were considered to be the most accurate and reliable rotary drop planters in use. The planters didn't cut the corn, lock or bind. They didn't miss a drop, showing the corn three hills in advance. The planters dropped the corn by a hand lever and were double row planters. The Barlow rotary drop corn planters were awarded the first premium eight different times at the Great Saint Louis Far, and also awarded first premiums at the Centennial exposition at Philadelphia in 1876 and also the Ohio State Fair. The brochure states that the Quincy Planter is the same as the Vandiver in every respect with the exception that the Quincy does not have gauge wheels and cover shovels. Description of the planters and how they work and what they’re able to do; e.g., being able to see the corn drop, covering the corn, destroying weeds, the gauge wheels, the crank motion tip-up, scraping the wheels, etc. Fine.
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