Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Ranger Ideal Volume 3. Texas Rangers In The Hall Of Fame, 1898-1987 DARREN L. IVEY

The Ranger Ideal Volume 3. Texas Rangers In The Hall Of Fame, 1898-1987


Other works by DARREN L. IVEY

Publication: University of North Texas Press, 2021, Denton

First edition. Thick 8vo. Bright red cloth, titles stamped in gilt on the spine, xvi [2], 845 pp., preface and acknowledgments, introduction, portraits, maps, afterword, endnotes, bibliography, index. Stories of twelve more Texas Ranger in the Hall of Fame are profiled here: William L. Wright; Frank A. Hamer; Thomas R. Hickman; Charles E. Miller; Manuel T. Gonzaullas; Marvin Burton; Robert A. Crowder; John J. Klevenhagen; Clinton T. Peoples; James E. Riddles; Bobby Paul Doherty; Stanley Keith Guffey. As new, unread copy in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 52296