Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The R O Brand. The Story Of Alfred Rowe. The Founder Of Mclean, Texas And The R O Ranch. DELBERT TREW

The R O Brand. The Story Of Alfred Rowe. The Founder Of Mclean, Texas And The R O Ranch.


Other works by DELBERT TREW

Publication: D R M Publishing Company, 2001, McLean

First edition. Quarto. Signed by the author. Decorated printed wrappers, 47 pp., frontis. [1904 Donley County Rowe ownership map], double column, foreword, introduction, illustrated, afterword, notes. Foreign investors flocked to buy Texas land in the 1880s, most either went broke or at best broke-even, and only a few prospered. British cattleman Alfred Rowe managed to thrive in the Texas Panhandle, founding his RO Ranch in Donley County and the city of McLean in Gray County. Rowe met his death on the ill-fated Titanic ocean liner. As new.

Inventory Number: 26593