Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Indian Traders FRANK MCNITT

The Indian Traders


Other works by FRANK MCNITT

Publication: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962, Norman

First edition. Cloth, 393pp., num. illus. from old photos, 3 maps. An important study of these often overlooked contributors to the early history of our contact with the Indian tribes of the Southwest. Beginning with Spanish traders, this fine work traces the development of Bent's Fort and establishment of Ft. Defiance. The primary focus of this work is the development of trade with the Navajos, Hopis, and Zunis and the important roles played by such traders as Thomas Keam, John D. Lee, Lorenzo Hubbell, Frank Noel, John B. Moore, and old Dan DuBois. An exceptionally fine, bright copy. Dust jacket shows very minor rubbing.

Inventory Number: 50021