Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Arizona's Pioneers Of Faith. Biographical Sketches In A Devotional Setting ARLO J. NAU

Arizona's Pioneers Of Faith. Biographical Sketches In A Devotional Setting


Other works by ARLO J. NAU

Publication: Privately printed for the Arizona Ecumenical Council, n d (ca 1987), Phoenix

First edition. 8vo. Pictorial stiff wrappers, [6], 25 [2] pp., preface, illustrated, bibliography. Laid-in to this copy are two hand-written and signed letters from the author. To remember our spiritual progenitors in Arizona is the purpose of this book. The pages in this book are designed for devotional use, whether for devotional use or corporate, employing a simple format of biographical sketches, scripture verses, and characteristic hymns. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 49644