Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Vignette Bust Portrait Carte De Visite Of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, First Territorial Governor Of Washington PHOTOGRAPHER UNKNOWN

Vignette Bust Portrait Carte De Visite Of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, First Territorial Governor Of Washington



Publication: No Publisher, n d (ca 1863), NP

General Isaac Stevens, first Territorial Governor of Washington. Image is 9.2 x 5.2 cm [3 5/8" x 2 1/16"]. "Genl. I. I. Stevens" is written in period manuscript on the verso. Very good condition. General Isaac Stevens was a West Point graduate and a Mexican War officer. In 1853, President Franklin Pierce appointed him as the first governor of the newly established Washington Territory and also appointed him as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Stevens was a controversial Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Washington Territory as he was known for forcing many treaties with regional tribes through intimidation.

Inventory Number: 50515