Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Heraldry Of The Range J. EVETTS HALEY

The Heraldry Of The Range


Other works by J. EVETTS HALEY

Publication: Panhandle Plains Historical Society, 1949, Canyon, Texas

First edition. 4to. Cloth, 35 pp. Illustrated by H.D. Bugbee. Designed by Carl Hertzog. This attractive and avidly sought work gives a brief overview of the use and development of brands and branding in the West. Many ranchers, ranches, and brands are discussed: Charles Goodnight, the JA Ranch, the XIT, the Bell Ranch, the Matador Land & Cattle Co., the 101 Brand, and the JJ Brand. Fine tight copy in a bright dust jacket with 1" closed tear at top edge of front jacket ending in a small scrape along with a tiny bit of wear to head of spine.

Inventory Number: 52412