Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Report On A Topographical And Geological Exploration Of The Canoe Route Between Fort William, Lake Superior, And Fort Garry, Red River; And Also The Valley Of Red River, North Of The 49th Parallel, During The Summer Of 1857. HENRY YOULE HIND

Report On A Topographical And Geological Exploration Of The Canoe Route Between Fort William, Lake Superior, And Fort Garry, Red River; And Also The Valley Of Red River, North Of The 49th Parallel, During The Summer Of 1857.


Other works by HENRY YOULE HIND

Publication: Stewart Derbishire and George Desbarats, 1858, Toronto

First Edition. Printed Wrappers. 16pp. "This survey, carried on in the summer of 1857, came to be known as the Red River exploring expedition. The expedition surveyed and explored the country between Lake Superior and the Red River and from Lake Winnipeg to the Saskatchewan River. It was directed by George Gladman. Simon J. Dawson was the surveyor and Henry Hind the geologist and naturalist. The report contains extracts from professor Hind's journal"--Wagner/Camp. A Variant edition not noted by Wagner/Camp. This copy has the same collation and printer as 301:1, but it has the 21 Victoria. Appendix No. 3. on the cover as 301:2 but the collation and printer does not match...a mix of the issue points of the first and second printings, as described by Wagner/Camp. Near fine copy.

Inventory Number: 51892