Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Harvest Gold Texaco Farm Notebook And Manual Of Useful Facts Texaco/The Texas Company

Harvest Gold Texaco Farm Notebook And Manual Of Useful Facts

Texaco/The Texas Company

Other works by Texaco/The Texas Company

Publication: Privately printed, 1940, NP

6" x 4" in color printed wrappers with calendars for 1940 and 1941 on rear wrapper. 64 pp. (missing pages 21-44), illustrations, foreword, index. A little booklet filled with information on cleaning; first aid for insect bites, black widow spider bites, burns, electrical shock, dog bites; household hints; how fast should hogs grow; tables, weights, measures; hay; Havoline Motor Oil; incubation periods; Texaco Motor Oil; fuel facts; wedding anniversaries; how to measure land, cordwood, lumber, suitable distances for planting, number of shrubs or plants per acre, capacity of a silo, formula for whitewash; etc. Offers a chart for tractor service record, a tractor lubrication chart, a field planting schedule chart, a gestation table. Pages missing appear to be pages for notes however, Index says on those ages there should be information on Valor Oil and information about what farmers say about Texaco. It does not appear that any pages were ever removed ... perhaps a binding error? On 5 of the pages for notes, someone has done some measuring for the bedroom, parlor, sitting room, arch, closet, dining room and windows and has listed that information in pencil. Wrappers are moderately soiled, especially the rear wrapper. Light scraping and wear to edges and extremities along with agent stamp to rear wrapper. Much useful information.

Inventory Number: 41623