Publication: The Caxton Printers, Ltd, 1941, Caldwell
First Edition. 8vo. Original Green Decorated Cloth, 328 [1]pp., Frontispiece [portrait], Illustrated with photographs, Author's Preface, Introduction, Bibliographical. A fascinating page of Western military history long buried in the sheaves of Army records is uncovered in this account of the Indian campaigns of Arizona told by an officer who took an active part in the actual fighting itself. Frontier troops were faced with the pursuit and capture of the renegade Apaches of the Southwest. Skirmishes, difficult pursuits, wilderness strategy, and frontier privations are told from a practical militarist's point of view by a man who followed his line of duty. Previous owner's large, unique bookplate on front pastedown endpaper. It is a photographic image of Apache dancers walking in procession, with "From the Indian Library of Dolph Judd, printed at bottom edge. A fine, bright copy in dust jacket with a quarter-inch closed tear ar bottom edge of front panel, else fine and bright.
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