Publication: The American Monthly Review of Reviews, 1906, New York
This article reprinted from The American Monthly Review of Reviews, pictorial wrappers, 4 pp., illustrated from photographs. Story is set in South Texas at Falfurrias, the ranch of Mr. ED. C. Lasater. The development of this ranch was primarily due to two major factors, the discovery of artesian water and the building of a railroad.
The new town, Falfurrias, is almost in the center of the coastal plains of South Texas, as well as of the artesian belt. The building of the city began in June, 1904, when the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Railway made its terminal at Falfurrias on the magnificent ranch of the same name, the property of Mr. Ed C. Lasater. Nice photograph of a windmill on Lasater's ranch.
Article removed from a publication and there are small chips
and closed tears into the margin, else a very good informative item.